‘Therapy Bytes’ Spring 2014 Ezine
San Francisco Couples: “Talking about Money with your Honey”
San Francisco is the third most expensive city in the USA to live in. It comes in #1 and even tops New York as the priciest USA city to rent an apartment in. With the cost of living so high, how do couples in San Francisco navigate these financial stressors along with all the other stressors of just plain living?
I recently participated in a Marin panel discussion entitled “Talking about Money with your Honey” that I would like review here because I think it applies so well to my San Francisco couples. Our host was Kathleen Nemetz, a financial planner. Other panelists included Jodi Klugman-Rabb, LMFT, J.R. Hastings, an estate planning attorney, and Christina Sherman, a family law attorney. Below, underlined in bold, are some of the topics addressed and a conglomeration of the responses, mostly from the two psychotherapists on the panel: Jodi and myself.
Why can talking about money get so loaded and be so difficult?
Along the lines of ‘Talking About Money with your Honey” here is a great resource for all families including poly families!
Poly families come in many shapes and constellations and sometimes people are legally related, but more often than not, not everyone is legally related whether it be to each other or the children. Putting together the documents to protect the parties in the event of incapacity or upon a death is super important because often things don’t just happen to work out as we imagine.
The probate and family laws provide guidance and absent estate planning documents, like a will or a living trust, all parties may not be protected. Health care documents and powers of attorney allow for you to choose who should be making decisions in the event you cannot, and getting them done is a gift to you and your loved ones.
At Johnson, Kinney and Zulaica, LLP we also help people with living together contracts and real estate ownership. We believe in a “both and” approach so that everyone is provided for. If you need assistance or want a consultation please call our office
at 415 693 0550 or email us at info@jkzllp.com
I am proud to introduce my new intern:
Philipe L. Harrington works with artists, activists, queers, and gender variant people and couples who are longing to embody the transformation we need to create social justice. Through somatic and expressive arts therapies, Philipe’s clients heal once useful, yet ultimately limiting, patterns of protection from trauma and social inequality. Philipe supports people to access more choices, creativity, and skills for personal wellness and collective liberation.
To visit Philipe’s website- Click Here
The Astrology Eye
I like David’s take on a very intense astrological configuration that will hit this Spring:”On April 22nd 2014 we will have a rare Grand Cross formation that will be exactly in the 13 degree for the planets Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars. All these competing energies will be squaring off and injecting a volatile mix of Power, Freedom, Expansion, and Aggression into equation. At the center of this will be the USA horoscope that is directly impacted through it’s 12 degree Sun 14 degree Saturn square.
The April 2014 Grand Cardinal Cross has the potential to be an intense and explosive time period that could again trigger losses in the financial markets as faith is lost in a weak economy that has been on life support for the past 5 years.
Any of these planets square to each other Pluto-Mars, Uranus-Mars, Uranus-Pluto, Uranus-Jupiter, Pluto-Jupiter pack a powerful punch, put them all together and it is a volatile mix that is full of power, surprise, expansion, and intensity.
This is not going to be an easy time for those who fear change or surprise. It is also the birth of new technologies and efficiencies.”
For more from David click here
Where this grand cross falls in your personal birthchart will show how this Grand Cross plays out for you. If it hits any personal planets (i.e sun, moon, venus, mars, mercury) then it will have a much greater impact.
Call Ondina for an astrology reading to see how this Spring will play out for you (415) 381-1065 or email: ondinah@gmail.com
Ondina Nandine Hatvany, MFT
Ondina assists traditional, alternative and queer couples with an approach that combines the latest discoveries in neuroscience with powerful and effective developments in couples research. She uses an approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to help her couples get past blame and shame to a place of more understanding, trust and intimacy.
As former Director of the Eating Disorders program at the Community Institute of Psychotherapy Ondina advocates a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach that empowers women to befriend their bodies.
Ondina works with trauma/ abuse survivors using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and somatic (body mindfulness) psychotherapy techniques with a high effectiveness rating.
As a somatically trained psychotherapist and former yoga teacher, one of the ways she can assist you to make lasting changes is to foster body mindfulness. She uses somatic psychotherapies such as Hakomi and Somatic Experiencing to facilitate transitions and shifts that last.
For those who are interested in combining Psychotherapy with Astrology, Ondina offers a unique approach using your astrological birthchart as a tool for insight and healing. While not dependent on your birthchart for answers, you can use it as a reference and to inform and enrich your understanding of the challenges you face.
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