‘Therapy Bytes’ Spring 2016 Ezine
‘Therapy Bytes’ Quarterly
~ for the Therapy Savvy + Therapy Curious Reader
In This Issue
Valentine’s Day Toolbox for Couples + Singles
“Why celebrate yet another Hallmark card holiday that is just a ploy to get us to consume more? And why make single people miserable by having a holiday like this?” wailed my client Sue. She was right, of course, and fed up. “What if you turned Valentine’s Day into an excuse to celebrate LOVE? And why limit love to couples?” I suggested. “Aren’t there infinite ways to love? Whether it’s with your partner, your dog or yourself, you can make this day about celebrating love and connection….” This conversation with my client spawned the birth of this article, where I would like to suggest some Valentine “tools” from my toolbox that don’t have to cost a penny and that can be applied to people who are single or in relationship.
Finish article by clicking on this link….
Jim Oakley, MFT
If you’re looking for an excellent therapist, I highly recommend my colleague ~ Jim Oakley, MFT
Jim Oakley MFT was a long time leader in Silicon Valley who went through training and licensing as a psychotherapist while working at Google. He currently has a full-time practice seeing individuals and couples in San Francisco’s central Hayes Valley neighborhood.
His specialties include dating and relationships, work/life issues, healing from trauma, LGBT concerns and working to reach one’s full potential.
To read Jim’s story of how he hit the exit button on his coveted Google job click here
to go to Jim’s website click here
The Astrology Eye
2016 is characterized by a strong emphasis on planetary activity in the Mutable signs of Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius. None of the major transits will be in fixed signs, so Scorpios, Tauruses, Leos and Aquariuses can all take a break!
Another Mutable trend will be Saturn (in Sagittarius) continuing a square to Neptune (in Pisces) until September, which has the possibility of rousing fear and superstition. It is also about looking realistically at your dreams and visions in order to manifest them.
There will also be a lot of retrograde action which is what happens when the planets appear to go backward:
March 25th Saturn turns retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius until August 13th. This might be a time to review goals, dreams and plans but hold off on implementing them until Saturn goes direct in August.
April 17th Mars goes retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius until June 29th…. This might be a period where you find you have to do things again or that it’s hard to get forward momentum on a project.
Also April 28th Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus for three weeks. This will not be a good time to sign any contracts or make a major purchase. It might, once again, make it hard to get projects off the ground. Instead use this time to review or revision anything to do with your body, health or finances…. All favorite Taurean areas.
Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra) will continue to go through big changes from transits, such as Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn.especially if you were born in the latter half of your sign.
Earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus) will get a break with Jupiter in Virgo trining Pluto especially in March and June. This is good luck and good fortune, also excellent for finances!
call Ondina for an astrology reading (415) 381-1065
~ ~ ~ Enjoy Spring!!! ~ ~ ~
Ondina Nandine Hatvany, MFT
Ondina assists traditional, alternative and queer couples with an approach that combines the latest discoveries in neuroscience with powerful and effective developments in couples research. She uses an approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to help her couples get past blame and shame to a place of more understanding, trust and intimacy.
As former Director of the Eating Disorders program at the Community Institute of Psychotherapy Ondina advocates a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach that empowers women to befriend their bodies.
Ondina works with trauma/ abuse survivors using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing,) hypnosis and somatic (body mindfulness) psychotherapy techniques with a high effectiveness rating.
Finally as a somatically trained psychotherapist and former yoga teacher, one of the ways she can assist you to make lasting changes is to foster body mindfulness. She uses somatic psychotherapies such as Hakomi and Somatic Experiencing to facilitate transitions and shifts that last.
Feel Free to call for a free initial phone consultation on Ondina’s confidential office line (415) 381-1065 or e-mail: Ondinah@gmail.com
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