‘Therapy Bytes’ Spring/Summer 2017 Ezine
‘Therapy Bytes’ Quarterly
~ for the Therapy Savvy + Therapy Curious Reader
In This Issue
Don’t Diet! Try This Instead…
You’ve probably heard it before: Diets don’t work! But maybe you thought you would start 2017 with one last try…
Whether your current diet is causing you to lose weight or not, that doesn’t change the fact that dieting is not a long-term solution. Research shows that 97% of dieters regain everything they have lost and then some within three years. This fact really doesn’t help with self-esteem either.
Most of the long-term dieters I’ve met have very poor self-esteem. Of course if you don’t feel good about yourself, why take care of yourself? It’s a setup for comfort eating. Now you have the perfect excuse to eat all those foods you’ve been depriving yourself of, at least until you’re ready to start that next diet.
Before you know it you’re on the not-so-merry-go-round of yo-yo dieting. It’s really hard on the old self-esteem, not to mention your body! It’s a negative self-reinforcing loop that keeps you in battle with your body, disempowered and defeated, over and over again.
So what is the way off this not-so-merry-go-round of fasting and feasting?
To read the rest of this article with all the pictures/ giphys moving go to my website link HERE.

Bailey is a Bay Area native who grew up in Berkeley, California. He developed a strong interest in stuttering in his early 20’s when he began to ask questions about why he stutters. He was fascinated (and frustrated) by the disorder and the impact it had on his life. Bailey is now a licensed speech and language pathologist with a private practice in San Francisco where he focuses on supporting people who stutter and their families.
Click here to read Bailey’s autobiographical story “Lemonade”
Click here to get to Bailey’s Website
Astrology Eye
Venus, planet of love, creativity and money will move retrograde 3/4-4/9 (13 Aries-28 Pisces) This is a good time to re-think your relationships, review your finances and re-evaluate what makes you happy. Are you following your bliss? It’s a question worth reflecting on. “If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” – Joseph Campbell
This Venus Retrograde period will occur within the longer Jupiter Retrograde in Libra transit. So, the stars are aligning to again provide a great time to reconsider what you value in your relationships and in life. Like all retrograde periods the energy is more inward, introspective and less about a call to action as it is a time to reflect, review and revise.
And here are Lance Ferguson’s (of Skywatch Astrology) kiss (good) and quack (difficult) days for March and some warnings for tax season:
LOOKING AHEAD TO MARCH: Scale back your expectations and plans as expansive Jupiter opposes Uranus and squares Pluto in March. The most difficult quack days include: Mar 1, 5, 18+, 23, 30+. Try to schedule the important details of your life on the kiss days: Mar 5, 7 in the morning only, 18+, 19, 24, 27+. Days marked with a + are extra powerful for better or worse.
LOOKING AHEAD: Mercury begins a three week Retrograde cycle on April 9. Saturn and Pluto will also turn Retrograde as the beat slows down. And tax time comes with Mercury backing up on the bases while Venus is also retrograde. Suggest you do your taxes early and double-check the math-expect the IRS to have problems, too.
There is a lot of retro energy this Spring! So not the time to initiate any big projects or ideas. However it’s an excellent time to dream, plan and plant seeds for what you envision for you, your life and relationships.
~ ~ ~ Enjoy Spring!!! ~ ~ ~
Ondina Nandine Hatvany, MFT
Ondina assists traditional, alternative and queer couples with an approach that combines the latest discoveries in neuroscience with powerful and effective developments in couples research. She uses an approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to help her couples get past blame and shame to a place of more understanding, trust and intimacy.
As former Director of the Eating Disorders program at the Community Institute of Psychotherapy Ondina advocates a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach that empowers women to befriend their bodies.
Ondina works with trauma/ abuse survivors using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing,) hypnosis and somatic (body mindfulness) psychotherapy techniques with a high effectiveness rating.
Finally as a somatically trained psychotherapist and former yoga teacher, one of the ways she can assist you to make lasting changes is to foster body mindfulness. She uses somatic psychotherapies such as Hakomi and Somatic Experiencing to facilitate transitions and shifts that last.
Feel Free to call for a free initial phone consultation on Ondina’s confidential office line (415) 381-1065 or e-mail: Ondinah@gmail.com
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